I read an article in Success Magazine concerning Home Base Businesses. It said Today there are about 25 million small businesses in the United States. More than half of them are home-based businesses, and they generate some 10 percent of the nation’s economic receipts. More than one in eight U.S. households includes a home-based business. This is a sign that people are looking for something better in life. They are beginning to step out of their comfort zone. People are beginning to take a chance and go for their dreams. It was also said “ All people are entrepreneurs, but many don’t have the opportunity to find that out.” This goes back to what I said you only live once. I feel great because I have stepped out of my comfort zone and now I am going for my dreams.
As an entrepreneur, I’m the master of my own destiny. My gift, Today, is spent wisely towards my goals. Parents, with each passing year, we are less willing to sacrifice participating in our children’s lives to sit through endless meetings and wade through office politics. If you think back to your generation they were at least one parent at home mostly the mother. We had mothers during that generation raising their kids, participating in the kid’s activities, and helping with homework. The generation of today has basically raised themselves due to both parents are working. “It’s really a quality -of-life issue,” says Wendy Piersall of eMoms at Home. “The reason people start their own businesses or become entrepreneurs is because they want flexibility and career satisfaction.” It just boils down to more security, a more satisfying lifestyle, greater financial opportunity and the opportunity to live a life of greater impact. Paul Zane Pilzer said “People used to change jobs two to three times over a lifetime. Today, people change careers two to three times over a lifetime.” There are so many advantages of having your own business. People love the benefits of working for themselves and enjoy the freedom they gain from designing their own prosperity. No more commute and no more boss. You get to choose when you work, how you work and with whom you work. Best of all, you don’t have to make the agonizing choice between time for family and time for business. Fortune magazine said “Forget the paycheck, your W-2 days are over. It’s a 1099 world now.” How cool is that!!!!!!
Start Your Home Base Business Today.